How to perform a strand Test

A strand test is the single most important thing you can do to ensure you get your desired results when dying your hair! Wether you're unsure if your base color is light enough, or a new color will clash with an old color, perform a strand test to see how Manic Panic will work for you! Then, you can adjust your formula if necessary or even lighten your hair more to achieve the desired result! Have questions? You can always reach out to us at 
  • Choose a small strand from a place that is hidden in your hair and apply the color or bleach to ensure you do not have any allergies or unwanted results. 
  • Wait for 40 minutes, rinse with cool water and see the result! If you have no allergic reactions and the color is the desired shade you are ready to move on to coloring! It’s that easy! 
manic panic, how to strand test your hair, hair dye, hair color, test, hair color test,